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Saturday, 8 September 2012

How To Order This Product?
Health India Laboratories is a research driven, technology oriented, quality conscious, safety savvy company. We are the first to introduce health enhancing benefits of Noni 
fruit to millions of people of our country.

Today, we are the leaders in world in the field of Research, Cultivation, Processing, Marketing and Exports of Noni based products. With the power of the product Indian Divine Noni is now expanding its market in different countries of the world.

Divine Noni fruit twists are available in packs of 12 Nos and it comes in innovative pet bottles that are trendy and easy to hold.
Pack Size
Indian Noni
800 ML Each
Rs 4100/-
Indian Noni
To Order For the product Please Contact  to the
Phone Number :9811638054, Email : 
divinenonifruitjuices.blogspot.comThe first 100 orders will get 10% Discount of the Total product rate.
B     Bank Details:
+Ac  ACCount Number          : 21420100004512
A    Account Holder Name : BHARAT
I        BRANCH  Code         : BARB0TRDAZA

Hurry and do not miss this opportunity.
 Book your stock today & Benefit Yourself.
Be a part of healthy nation.
Divine Noni Ready to Serve (RTS) Fruit Drinks

Most of the Ready to serve drinks available today are harmful to our health. Thus Noni Family felt the need to provide an alternative to current ready to serve drinks in the market. 

In the busy day’s increasing busy life, these drinks will play a very powerful role in daily physical activity. These drinks are unique in the market with no comparison or competition. All these drinks help our bodies to perform at its peak even in stressful situations, polluting environments and the breaking down of immune systems in our body. In short these ready to serve fruit drinks are going play the role of an immune moderators, energy creators, vitality generators and stress busters and they also promote good digestion, vitality and well being. 

These are not a normal market fruit drink but the fruit drink with a difference.
This Drink Gives You Relief From These Problems:


Monday, 16 January 2012

Organic Indian Noni Fruit Juice Divine Noni

First of its kind in India, Totally Clean and Pure
Divine Noni tonic is prepared from Noni fruit processed from whole Noni fruit ( Morinda citrifolia) , specially grown in India, away from human habitation, meticulously harvested and processed by traditional herbal masters with no fumigants, no toxic flavorings or commercial fruit juice used.
Besides being predominantly formulated from the extracts of Morinda Citrifolia, Divine Noni also has a combination of high quality natural health enhancer in it.
Divine noni tonic is many times richer in Noni fruit solids than other NONI products.
In addition the cold processing assures that all the enzymes, nutrients , vitamins , minerals and fiber remain, just the way it was picked , nothing added, nothing removed.
Samples of each batch of Divine Noni is tested to verify the purity of each bottle.
Divine noni is also tested by the world’s most reputable analytical laboratories.
The test results show that the Divine Noni is pure and more wholesome than most foods we eat everyday.
Further they show that the Divine Noni is pure and more wholesome and without toxin residues of any kind.
The reports guarantee the High Quality of the product, and they certify that Divine Noni is immaculately clean and perfectly pure.
IN fact, Divine Noni is tested 2 times more than what is required by the authorities because we are committed to provide you the best product in the world, with the highest quality.
This is our ongoing commitment
Exclusively Formulated
It is proprietary and is impossible to duplicate.
Health India Laboratories prepares and process Divine Noni in its own facility with Pharma standards.

Other Special Features of Divine Noni
It is backed by ongoing research
Is positioned in the fast growing segment of wellness industry
Is led by a team of most committed and experienced scientists
Shake well before use
Dilute Divine Noni with milk, water or other juices !
Always Drink on an Empty Stomach
30 minutes before food. Drink lots of water throughout the day.
Days 1 to 3 :
Take 1 Teaspoon (5ml) 30 mts. before Breakfast
Take 1 Teaspoon (5ml) 30 mts. before Dinner
Children : 1/2 teaspoon, a.m. and p.m.
Days 4 to  6 :
Take 2 Teaspoons (10ml) 30 mts. before Breakfast
Take 2 Teaspoon (10ml) 30 mts. before Dinner
Children : 1/2 teaspoon, a.m. and p.m.
Month 1 - 6 :
Drink 3 Teaspoons (15ml) 30 mts.before Breakfast
Drink 3 Teaspoons (15ml) 30 mts. before Dinner
Children : Use 1/2 dosage a.m. and p.m.
Month 7 and After :
Drink 2 Teaspoon (10ml) 30 mts. before Breakfast
Drink 2 Teaspoon (10ml) 30 mts. before Dinner
Children : Use 1/2 dosage a.m. and p.m.
Dosage can be increased / decreased as per your body condition.
Drink plenty of good clean water throughout the day to help your body flush out toxins. If you get a Cleansing Response (a headache, soft motion, belching or itchy skin), drink more water and skip a dose or two depending on how you feel.
Commit to drinking Divine Noni for at least 6 months.
Procedure to Take Noni
Find ten minutes to do this procedure. Ideally, it should be at a time when the house is quiet and you can be alone.
Measure the amount of Noni that you want to take, and pour it into a glass. Dilute with water, or other juices.
Find a comfortable place to sit. Hold your glass of Noni on your lap. Relax and close your eyes.
Take three long, deep breaths. On each inhale, breathe in new life and vitality. Imagine youthful energy filling your body. On each exhale, let your worries slip away. Visualise the stress and tension leaving your body.
Take a sip of Noni.
Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until your dose is finished. Take as much time as you want. Meanwhile, nurture a feeling of gratitude for Noni, your body, and Nature.
It is essential that Noni has to be taken on an empty stomach almost at the same time everyday so that the Proxeronine in Noni enters the intestine without being digested in the stomach. This promotes further metabolical activities.
Take lots of good clean water along with Noni.
Here are some ideas to make the drinking of Divine Noni more interesting
Mix Divine Noni in a glass of chilled water or juice and drink. This will taste great and you can impress your guests with the same.
Mix Divine Noni in a glass of milk (hot or cold) and children will love to drink it. Children will love this new Noni shake.
Noni mixes well with any fruit juice. This is a great way of keeping yourselves healthy (by taking a lots of fluids with Noni regularly.)
After a long and tiring day, Noni in a glass of chilled water makes a very refreshing drink.
If you meditate early in the morning, after meditation bless Divine Noni and sip it.

Saturday, 14 January 2012



Plants are the reservoirs of a large number of 
imperative organic compounds and they have long
 been used as the sources of medicines. Dependence 
on plants is prevalent in developing countries where 
the traditional herbal medicine plays a major role
 in health care and in the treatment of many 
infectious diseases. The rural population of a country is more disposed to traditional ways of treatment 
because of its easy availability and cheaper cost.
Herbal therapies although still an unwritten science is well established in some 
cultures and tradition and have become a way of treatment in almost 80% of the 
people in rural areas, especially those in Asia, Latin America and Africa. 

Natural products of folk medicine have been used for centuries in every culture throughout the world. Scientists and medical professionals have Intl. J. Noni Res. 2005, 1(1) 1 shown increased interest in this field as they recognized the true health benefits of these remedies. While searching for food, the ancient found that some foods had specific properties of relieving or eliminating certain diseases and maintaining good health. It was the beginning of herbal medicine. The same story occurred in Polynesia. Among the medicinal plants discovered by the ancestors of Polynesians, Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is one of the important traditional folk medicinal plants that have been used for over 2000 years in Polynesia. It has been reported to have a broad range of therapeutic and nutritional value. The ancestors of Polynesians are believed to have brought many plants with them, as they migrated from Southeast Asia 2000 years ago (Tabrah and Eveleth, 1966; Gerlach, 1996). Of the 12 most common plants they brought, Noni was the second most popular plant used in herbal remedies to treat various common diseases and to maintain overall good health (Krauss, 1993; Gerlach, 1996).

 Southeast Asia, Australia and India. In Roratonga, the natives often ate the fruit. Australian Aborigines were very much fond of this fruit. In Samoa, Noni fruit was common fare and in Burma it was cooked in curries or eaten raw with salt. In 1943, Merrill described M. citrifolia L. as an ediMorinda citrifolia fruit has long history of use as a food in tropical regions throughout the world. Documentation of the consumption of the fruit as a food source precedes the twentieth century. Captain James Cook of the British Navy noted in the late 1700’s that the fruit was eaten in Tahiti. An 1866 publication in London explained that M. citrifolia fruit was consumed as a food in the Fiji Islands. Later publications described the use of this fruit throughout the Pacific Islands,ble plant in a technical manual of edible and poisonous plants of the Pacific Islands, in which the leaves and fruits were used as emergency food. In 1992, Abbott reported that Noni had been used as food, drink, medicine and dye.
The medicinal properties of M. citrifolia such as anticancer, antitumour, anti-diabetics, antiageing, antimicrobial, etc. have fully been studied scientifically in abroad as a result several commercial products of Noni are available at present.
Noni is commonly referred to the species M. citirfolia and is also called as Indian Mulberry. It is also known in different names locally as Cheese Fruit, Forbidden 
Fruit, Headache Tree, Hog Apple, Mona, Mora de la India, Nino, Nona, Nono, Nonu, 
Nuna, Pain Bush, Pain Killer Tree, Pinuela, Wild Pine, etc. in various parts of the 
world. Noni is an evergreen tree found growing in open coastal regions at sea level 
(Fig. 1) and in forest areas up to about
1300 feet above sea level. It is often found growing along lava flows. Noni is 
identifiable by its straight trunk, large, bright green and elliptical leaves, white 
tubular flowers and its distinctive, ovoid, “grenade-like” yellow fruit.

The fruit can grow in size up to 12 cm or more and has a lumpy surface covered 
by  polygonal-shaped sections (Fig. 2). The seeds, which are triangular shaped
 and reddish brown, have an air sac attached at one end, which makes the 
seeds buoyant. The mature Noni fruit has a foul taste and odour. 

Distribution of Morinda
The genus Morinda is present worldwide predominantly in tropical countries. It occurs in Africa, Australia, Barbados, Cambodia, Caribbean, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Fiji, Florida, French West Indies, Guadeloupe, Guam, Haiti, Hawaii, India, Jamaica, Java, Laos, Malaysia, Marquesas Islands, Philippines, Polynesia, Puerto Rico, Raratonga, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Southeast Asia, St. Croix, Surinam, Tahiti, Thailand, Tonga, Trinida and Tobago and Vietnam. 

Survey of Morinda in south India indicated that 12 different species or varieties of Morinda are distributed throughout TamilNadu and Kerala. However, the species M. tinctoria is present abundantly in most parts of TamilNadu and in some parts of Kerala. To our surprise, M. citrifolia is not recorded in the study area of TamilNadu whereas it is profusely distributed in most part of the Kerala especially coastal region and also in the Mangalore
area of Karnataka. Recently we recorded the presence of an unidentified Morinda species with large and leathery leaves in the Dhandakaranya forest area of Malkanagiri district in Orissa.

Taxonomy of Morinda

Mulberry, Morus indica. General description of the genus Morinda

Plant: Woody vines, liFamily: Rubiaceae

Common name: Nuna, Noni, Cheese fruit, Koonjerung, Tokoonja, Great Morinda.

Derivation of the name Morinda: From Latin Morus, Mulberry and indicus, Indian referring to the similarity of the fruit to the anas, shrubs, medium-sized trees or tall canopy trees; raphides present; auciliary thorns absent.

Stipules: Interpetiolar, free at base or interpetiolar, connate at base or sheathing (not splitting on one side), oblong or ligulate, spatulate or bifid, sheathing at base, with two small (non-foliose) lobes each side, persistent. Leaves: Opposite or whorled, rarely ternate, 3 per node, long or shortpetiolate; blades ovate, broadly elliptic, oblong or oblanceolate, chartaceous or stiffly chartaceous; foliar pellucid glands absent; domatia sparse or dense tufts of hairs or absent.

Inflorescence: Axillary or terminal, simple panicle or umbellate heads, not frondose, globose, not subtended by bracts.

Flowers: Bisexual, protandrous.

Calyx: Tubular, urceolate or hemispheric, extremely reduced, with small lobes or short tubular, caducous; lobes absent (calyx truncate or undulate) or 4 to 7, broadly triangular, minute. Calycophylls absent.

Corolla: Tube, more or less funnel shaped, hypocrateriform or narrowly 
infundibuliform, actinomorphic, white to cream-white; tube externally 
glabrous, internally glabrous or pubescent; without a pubescent ring inside; orifice 

annular thickening absent; lobes 4 to 7, valvate in bud, lanceolate or oblong, 
margin entire, obtuse or acute at apex. Stamens: Alternate to the corolla lobes,
 included, partially exerted (only tips exerted) or exerted just beyond the 
corolla; anthers narrowly oblong or elongate, round at base, with acuminate extensions
 at apex, dehiscing by longitudinal slits, dorsifixed near the middle; filaments attached
 at the middle of the corolla tube, free at base, slender, long, shorter than corolla 
tube, equal, glabrous.

Style: Exerted just beyond the corolla, terete throughout, not fleshy or terete,
 not fleshy, capitate, glabrous; lobes absent or 2, ovate, oblong or linear, 
stigmatic surface located at style apex. exert

Ovary: Inferior, 2- or 4- locular, narrowly obovoid; placenta reduced, ovules 
basally inserted, 1 per locule.

Fruit: Densely clustered globose syncarp, fleshy.

Seeds: Vertical, medium-sized, ovoid to obovoid or reniform; wings absent.

Chemical properties of Morinda
A number of major compounds have been identified in the Noni plant such as scopoletin, octoanoic acid, potassium, vitamin C, terpenoids, alkaloids, anthraquinones (such as nordamnacanthal, morindone, rubiadin, andrubiadin- 1-methyl ether, anthraquinone glycoside), β-sitosterol, carotene, vitamin A, flavones glycosides linoleic acid, alizarin, amino acids, acubin, L-asperuloside, caproic acid, caprylic acid, ursolic acid, rutin and a putative proxeronine. (Levand and Larson, 1979; Farine et al., 1996; Peerzada et al., 1990; 
Budhavari et al., 1989; Moorthy and Reddy, 1970; Daulatabad et al., 1989; Balakrishnan et al., 1961; Legal et al., 1994; Singh and Tiwari, 1976; Simonsen, 1920; Heinicke, 1985). The dominant substances in the fruit are fatty acids, while the roots and bark contain anthraquinone. The seed of M. citrifolia contains 16.1% Oil. The main fatty acid components of the oil were linoleic (55%), Oleic (20.5%), Palmitic (12.8%), Ricinoleic (6.8%) and Stearic (4.9%) (Dualatabad et al., 1989; Seidemann, 2002). A research group led by Chi-Tang Ho at Rutges University in the USA is searching for new novel compounds in the Noni plant. They have successfully identified several new flavonol glycosides, and iridoid glycoside from the Noni leaves, trisaccharide fatty acid ester, rutin and an asperolosidic acid from the fruit. Two novel glycosides and a new unusual iridoid named citrifoliniside have been shown to have inhibiting effect on AP-1 trans activation and cell transformation in the mouse epidermal JB6 cell lines (Wang et al., 1999; Sang et al., 2001a and b; Liu et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2000). Further, 23 different phytochemicals were found in Noni besides, 5 vitamins and 3 minerals (Duke, 1992).

General use of Morinda

The species of Morinda especially M. citrifolia has been reported to have a broad range of health benefits for cancer, infection, arthritis, asthma, hypertension, and pain (Whistler, 1992). The roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers, and fruits of the Noni are all involved in various combinations in almost 40 known and recorded herbal remedies (Bruggnecate, 1992). 

Additionally, the roots were used to produce a yellow or red dye for tapa cloths and fala (mats), while the fruit was eaten for health and food (Aragones et al., 1997). Medicinal use of Morinda The Polynesians utilized the whole Noni plant for herbal remedies. The fruit juice is in high demand in alternative medicine for different kinds of illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, muscle aches and pains, menstrual difficulties, headaches, heart disease, AIDS, cancers, gastric ulcer, sprains, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, arteriosclerosis, blood vessel problems, and drug addiction. Scientific evidence of the benefits of the Noni fruit juice is limited but there is some anecdotal evidence for successful treatment of colds and influenza (Solomon, 1999). Allen and London (1873) published one of the earliest articles on the medicinal benefits of Noni in which they reported the ethnobotanical properties of Noni and the use of fruit. Abbott (1985), a former botanical chemist at the University of Hawaii, stated the use of Noni for diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and many other illnesses (Abbott, 1985; Dixon et al., 1999). Noni was a traditional remedy used to treat broken bones, deep cuts, bruises, sores and wounds (Bushnell et al., 1950). Morton (1992) gave numerous references for medicinal uses of Noni. In addition, Polynesians are reported to treat breast cancer and eye problems.


to the
World of Wellness
Prepares You for the Future

Are you ready to get started in this Dynamic Opportunity?

A Proven & Time Tested World's Best Bussiness Program
Get Started as

Wellness Preferred Customer  (WPC) 
Wellness Marketing Distributor (WMD)
Wellness Stockist Distributor (WSD)

Participation in the Wellness Dynamic Marketing Plan is based on the sales made by you (personal sales) and other distributors of your Wellness team (team sales), provided you meet the qualifying requirements. Wellness Dynamic Marketing Plan is applicable only to Wellness Marketing and Stockist Distributors.

  1. This is a FREE Life Time Distributorship with no renewals.
  2. You will be participating in the intellectual distribution of the Wellness programme
  3. As a Wellness Preferred Customer  you can buy Wellness products including Divine Noni in wholesale price for personal use from the company directly or from the Wellness Stockist Distributors (WSDs) by using your ID.
  4. Sign up Free as a Wellness Customer Distributor online and order the pack for your personal use.
  5. Send the Personal use Purchase DD of Rs.3825/- along with the printout of online Wellness Preferred Customership  and product order confirmation sheet to Noni Family, Chennai.
  6. There is no commission applicable for Wellness Preferred Customership .
    It is necessary to express your willingness to abide by the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the company by signing the Distributorship agreement form online.
  1. This is an annual distributorship
  2. As a Wellness Marketing Distributor you can buy the divine noni products and tools for your personal use and retailing and can sponsor distributors to participate in Wellness Marketing programme.
  3. As a Wellness Marketing Distributor you can introduce Customer, Marketing and Stockist Distributors.
  4. A Wellness Marketing distributor can earn retail profit and can qualify to earn team sales commissions by retailing of products.
  5. You shall sign up online free to register your distributorship.
  6. You shall order your first Noni Pack for personal use and retailing to activate your distributorship.
  7. You can buy one Business Tools Pack and two Noni packs for retailing to qualify for the team sales commission
  8. You can also qualify and start enjoying the commission benefits when two of the Marketing or Stockist distributors sponsored by you (one in each team) purchase one Noni pack each for personal use and retailing in addition to your personal Noni pack and one Business Tools Pack purchase.
  9. Commissions are paid only on the sales volumes (Points) as per the Wellness Dynamic Marketing Plan.
  10. It is necessary to Retail at least one Noni pack a month to maintain active status of your Wellness Marketing Distributorship.
  11. You shall renew your Wellness Marketing Distributorship free annually and requalify for sales commission by purchasing one Renewal Tools Pack and fulfilling requalification criteria as per the Dynamic Marketing Plan.
It is necessary to express your willingness to abide by the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the company by signing the Distributorship agreement form online.
  1. This is an annual distributorship.
  2. As a Wellness Stockist Distributor you can buy Divine Noni products for the personal use and retailing, and sponsor distributors, stock and supply Divine Noni products and tools to the distributors who participate in Wellness Marketing programme.
  3. As a Wellness Stockist Distributor you can introduce Customer, Marketing and Stockist Distributors and also stock and supply the products and tools.
  4. A Wellness Stockist Distributor can earn retail profit and can qualify and earn weekly sales commissions by retailing of Divine Noni products.
  5. You can earn additional profit by stocking and supplying the products.
  6. You can build your team faster by supplying the products on demand across the counter to your team members.
  7. You shall sign up online free as a Wellness Stockist Distributor and pay Rs.5000/- as refundable deposit for the Distributor Stock Point.
  8. You shall order your first Noni Pack for your personal use and retailing to activate your distributorship.
  9. You can buy one Business Tools Pack and Two Noni packs for retailing to qualify for the sales commission
  10. You can also qualify and start enjoying the commission benefits when two of the Marketing or Stockist distributors sponsored by you (one in each team) purchase one Noni pack each for personal use and retailing in addition to your personal Noni pack and one Business Tools Pack purchase.
  11. Commissions are paid only on the sales volumes (Points) as per the Wellness Dynamic Marketing Plan.
  12. It is necessary to Retail at least One Noni pack a Month to maintain active status of your Wellness Stockist Distributorship.
  13. You shall renew your Wellness Stockist Distributorship free annually and requalify for sales commission by purchasing one Renewal Tools Pack and fulfilling the requalification criteria as per the Dynamic Marketing Plan.
It is necessary to express your willingness to abide by the rules, regulations, policies and procedures 
of the company by signing the Distributorship agreement form online.

The Divine Noni Wellness Marketing Programme has one of the best most dynamic, simple, 
powerful and proven commission plans in the business world making weekly payments for the
 sales efforts of its Marketing and Stockist distributors.

Signup online free to register your distributorship.
Buy 1 pack for your personal use & retailing to activate your Marketing or Stockist Distributorshi
p and buy one Business Tools Pack and two Noni packs for retailing to qualify for the 
Wellness commission.

You can also qualify by purchasing one Business Tools pack and  2 of your personally 
sponsored Marketing and/or Stockist Distributors (one in each team) purchase one Noni pack 
each for their personal use or retailing in addition to your personal Noni pack purchase.

You shall build and develop two wellness sales teams by introducing one Marketing or 
Stockist Distribtutor each, on the first team(left) and on the second team(right) of your 
Wellness center. You start building one team that begins on the left side of your Wellness center
 and one team that begins on the right side of your Wellness center. You shall teach your 
team members to follow what you did.

Earnings in Noni Family Wellness Programe is soley based on retailing the products.  You will not 
be paid any commission for introducing or sponsoring distributors. All commissions will be paid 
only for the sales volume generated by you and your team of wellness Customer, Marketing 
and Stockist Distributors of Wellness teams of your Wellness center. This means purchases and 
sales made by the Wellness Customers, Marketing and Stockist Distributors for personal use 
and retailing shall be counted in your sale volume and for your senior marketing and 
stockist distributors.

There is no limit for the number of personal sales you can make and the number of distributors
 you can personally sponsor.

It is necessary to retail at least one Noni pack a month to maintain active status of 

your Wellness Marketing Distributorship or Wellness Stockist Distributorship.

All additional sponsorships beyond the first two will automatically be placed by the system in the 
next available position underneath other distributors in your team, either on extreme left or 
extreme right.

As a Marketing or Stockist distributor you can retail any number of Noni Packs and other 
wellness products. Your personal Retail Product Purchases will be counted for sales volume and 
will be placed in your weak team.

This revolutionary system of Marketing can potentially produce tremendous income for you and 
distributor teams, form solid business relationships and team work due to the fact that any 
distributor sales who is in your team, regardless of whether you sponsored them directly or they
were placed into your team by the efforts of the distributors above you, counts as sales volume to 
you. All you have to do in order to qualify to earn commissions is to buy One Business Tools 
Pack and make two (2) Noni Pack sales. You shall maintain a balance of sales point count in 
your Wellness center by having a minimum of 1/3 in one Team and 2/3 in the other. There is no
 time limit to qualify to earn commission. Please note that your team sales will be counted for 
paying commissions only after you qualify. 
You can immediately qualify to start earning commissions by purchasing our Business Tools Pack 
and two Noni packs after you register and activate your distributorship by your first 
personal purchase. Please note that your team sales will be counted for paying commission only 
after you qualify. In order to maintain your Marketing or Stockist distributorship, you must 

renew online free your distributorship annually and requalify by purchasing one Renewal Tools 
Pack  and by  purchase of 2 Noni packs for requalification.. You can also requalify by purchasing 
one Renewal  Tools Pack and 2 of the New Marketing or Stockist distributor purchase one Pack 
each. All renewal qualification sales will be counted for commissions.

A sale is defined as any purchase of Noni pack made by a distributor for personal use or for 
retailing to the end user. If a user chooses to participate in the Wellness Dynamic 
Marketing Programme and desires to become a customer Marketing or a Stockist Distributor, 
he/she will be required to register with the Noni Family Wellness Marketing programme by 
online distributorship application free. The person who introduced  would be considered as 
Step 1
Level 1: When you personally purchase two Noni packs in addition to your own initial purchase of Noni Pack/s you will qualify to earn commissions or You can also qualify when 2 of your personally introduced Marketing and/or Stockist Distributors purchase one pack each for their personal use or retailing in addition to your personal pack purchase (one on the left & one on the right),100+100=200 Noni points. You will earn a commission of Rs.500/- for these Sales.

Level 2: When you make your next three Team sales or 300 points (Sales made by you and by your team members) one on one side, two on the other side, down in your team (for a total of 5 sales), you will earn a commission of additional Rs.500/- (total accumulated earning of Rs.1000/- for 5 Sales-500 Noni points).
Level 3 : When you make your next four Team sales or 400 Noni points one on one side, three on the other side, down in your team (for a total of 9 sales) you will earn a commission of Rs.750/-. You have now completed step 1 (total accumulated earning of Rs.1750/ for first 9 sales=900 Noni points).

Step 2

You create an additional 9 Team sales or 900 Noni points, down in your team (for a total of 18 team sales or 1800 Noni points) with a minimum of 1/3 of those sales (3) on one Team. You have now completed step 2 and will again earn Rs.1,750/- in commissions. (Now you have an accumulated earning of upto Rs.3500/- for 18 team sales 1800 Noni points).
Step 3You create an additional 9 Team sales or 900 Noni points anywhere in your team (for a total of 27 team sales) with a minimum of 1/3 of those sales (3) on one Team. You have now completed step 3 and will again earn Rs. 1,750/- in commissions. (Now you have an accumulated earning of Rs.5,250/- for 27 team sales 2700 Noni points).

Step 4

You create an additional 9 Team sales or 900 Noni points anywhere in your team (for a total of 36 team sales) with a minimum of 1/3 of those sales (3) on one Team. You have now completed step 4 and will again earn Rs.1,750/- in commissions. (Now you have an accumulated earning of Rs.7,000/ for 36 team sales 3600 Noni points).
Step 5You create an additional 9 Team sales or 900 Noni points anywhere in your team (for a total of 45 team sales) with a minimum of 1/3 of those sales (3) on one Team. You have now completed step 5 and will again earn Rs.1,750/- in commissions. (Now you have an accumulated earning of Rs.8,750/- for 45 team sales 4500 Noni points).
Step 6You create an additional 5 Team sales or 500 Noni points anywhere in your team (for a total of 50 team sales) with a minimum of approx. 1/3 of those sales (2) on one Team. You have now completed step 6 and will again earn Rs.1,750/- in commissions. (Now you have an accumulated earning of Rs.10,500/- for 50 team sales 5000 Noni points).

On completing step 6 you have effectively completed a full orbit and the process of calculating commissions begins again. There is no flushing of sales for active Wellness Marketing and stockist distributors which means any unpaid sales are held by the program until you achieve the balance necessary in order to pay commission for those sales. This can happen within one or more weeks or one or more months. There is no time limit to complete steps or orbits. When you and your team collectively make additional sales after the first orbit in steps or in orbits with at least 1/3 of those sales took place in one Team and the balance of 2/3 sales took place in the other Team, you would be paid commission for the weekly orbit or part thereof for steps (proportionate) as per the weekly orbit rate. There are no limits as to the number of steps or orbits you can achieve during the pay period which ends weekly (Saturdays).

How You can Earn ?
A. Retail Sales Profit
Rs. 555/- for every Pack you sell – 17.5% Retail Profit on your investment and
B. Team Sales Commission*
One Sale = 100 Points
1 level
2 level
3 level
2 Sales (100+100 points) =
3 Sales (100+200 points) = 
4 Sales (100+300 points) = 
Rs. 500
Rs. 500
Rs. 750
I Step  9 Sales (300+600 points)Total = Rs. 1,750
II Step 9 Sales (300+600 points) = Rs. 1,750
III Step9 Sales (300+600 points) =Rs. 1,750
IV Step9 Sales (300+600 points) =Rs. 1,750
V Step9 Sales (300+600 points) = Rs. 1,750
VI Step5 Sales (200+300 points) = Rs. 1,750
First 50 Sales  (5000 Noni points- One Orbit) = Rs. 10,500
 Commissions are paid weekly
-  Commissions for every Additional 50 Team sales (Orbit) is paid as per the weekly orbit rate
-  Commissions are paid based on one third and two third balance of your Team Sales (First
 and     Second Team).
-  One sale is equal to One Pack containing Three 800 ml or Six 400 ml Divine Noni
Note: The distributor sign up to be done online by visiting The DD for product orders, Business Tools Pack purchase, and Renewal Tools Pack  purchase are to be made in favour of NONI FAMILY BUSINESS, payable at CHENNAI or in favour of the local stockist distributor.
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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Divine Noni Fruit Juice Concentrate (Divine Noni Gold)

Indian Noni - Testimonials

The Divine Indian Noni fruit juice concentrate is not a medicine. It is a Health Enhancer that works on the cellular level. Here are few testimonials from the users of Divine Indian Noni fruit juice concentrate. All these Testimonials are as printed in the Divine Indian Noni Testimonial book. There are no changes or alterations made. 

Name : Ravindra Bhaskar Chavan / Male / Age : 54 avan, a Paralytic patient. You know how paralytic patient suffers. On April, 2004 paralysis attacked me and I was bedridden. As it was a severe attack I had no confidence in my life. But I was under allopathic treatment and my diet was so controlled. 

After a few days I was attacked by the piles problem and suffered with swollen hands and fingers. Body weakness was not allowing me to even wake up , sit or talk. But the medicines and other treatments were going on. It was a great day, I got a God's gift i.e Indian Noni. My son was suggested by his friends that he should give me Indian Noni as it is working on cellular level. For the last 5 months I am taking Noni juice, now am doing all my work and walking without anybody's help. As Noni is such a multi beneficial fruit juice I have decided to continue it till my life. 

Rahul Raghunath Bhangare / Male/ Age 20
Type II B 1749, Ozhar Township, Tal : Niphad, Nashik - 422207

My son Rahul was suffering from nervous disorder due to his infancy. He was not able to move his legs. His face was abnormal. Even his left hand was paralysed. 

His weight was increased during his teenage. But in the last 4 months after taking Noni, he is progressing remarkably. His whole body is getting refreshed. He could stand on his feet and move with supports. His left hand got new life and nourishment. 

His back is gaining a normal posture. His voice and vision is improving. His weight is now reduced to normal. Indian Noni is God's grace to man. 

Ramakant Bapurao Bhagat / Male/ Age 69 
Pune, Maharastra 

I am 69 years old retired man from Pune. For the last one year I am a Diabetic and have Thyriod problem. My blood sugar fasting was 213 and blood sugar PP was 240.Indian Noni was introduced to me by Mr. Sudarshan Motadoo. He gave me a booklet to read and understand what is Indian Noni and a bottle of Indian Noni too. 

I followed the instructions in the booklet meticulously and religiously. In one month my blld sugar fasting read 133 and blood sugar PP became 107. In urine both fasting and PP was nil. 

The result has given me great confidence in healthy life and for me Indian Noni is God's gift for sound health. 

Altaf Ahmed/ Male/ Age 50 years
209, EWS Block, Devaraj Urs Layout, Davanagere, Karnataka

For the last 3 years, I was having Depression, Diabetes and High B.P.  I always feel very tired, depressed and not interested in day to day activities. Then few months back a friend of mine, asked about my problems and I told him my health condition. He then advised to me attend one Health Seminar. 

At the seminar, Mr. Mallikarjuna and Mr. Shafeeq Ahmed explained about Indian Noni and showed me the results of others. After taking Indian Noni, I am feeling better now. My FBS (sugar) has come down from 280 to 125. My BP has come down from 180/140 to 120/100. My depression leves have also decreased. 

According to me Indian Noni is the Sanjeevani. I suggest my friends and relatives to use Indian Noni as a health drink. 

Narasamma / Female / Age 55
H.No 5-54/1/11, New Vasavi Enclaves, Old Alwal, Hyderabad

I am a housewife, aged 55. I have been suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension and Obesity for more than 10 years. I used to feel like sleeping all the time. I had severe body pain too. As a result, I don't wish to go out of the house. I feel depressed all day. Adding to my woes, my sugar level goes up and down often leading to swelling of both lower limbs. 

My family felt sad on seeing my state. Our doctor introduced this Indian Noni to us and asked to try it for a while. I tried the health drink for 120 days taking 30 ml a day. Now I am feeling better. I rarely sleep during the day. My swellings are better; sugar level has come to normal and I feel active and fresh all day. 

My family is happy. I thank Indian Noni and the doctor who introduced the product, which gave me my life back. 

Sandip Suryakant Charkul / Male / Age 28 years
Natheputh Post, Makhshiras Taluka, Sholapur 413109

I was fat and my weight increasing higher day by day. I had taken medicines to reduce my weight and eating food only once a day that too very little, even though my weight has not reduced. My weight was 79Kgs at one stage. 

I came to know about Noni. I though this the right way of spending money for the right product. 

Then I decided to buy Noni and try it. I was happy to see the results. My Hyper-acidity reduced, I have lost my weight and relived from my back pain also. 

Sarika Amardeep Dilikar/ Female / Age 25 Yrs 
I had obesity problem associated with menstrual problems also. Mr. Raj Kumar Shinde introduced Indian Noni and advised me to consume Indian Noni. I started to consume Indian Noni for the past 4 months. 

Now my weight reduced and menstrual problems were solved. Thanks to Indian Noni. 

 7. ACNE 
Mohini Vasant Palve / Female / Age 16
Pathardi, Phata 

Last three years I was suffering from pimples on face and rashes on my back. I was also not feeling energetic and could not study properly. Not feeling hungry was also a problem. 

I started Noni 2 months back and now the pimples are mostly gone. I also feel good appetite and now I can concentrate on my studies. Thanks to Noni! 

G.D. Anil Kumar /Male / Age 28
Santhebennur, Channagiri, Davanagree

I am a B.Sc., graduate and I have no job. I was suffering from slight skin allergies on my legs. I have few small pimples and they cause pain too. 

Thanks to leader R.Nagaraju, who introduced me to the Empower Indian Movement and to Indian Noni fruit juice. In my family all of us are enjoying good health and I am getting good results for my skin allergies. 

Thanks to Health India Laboratories. I am so happy in two ways : On one hand I am healthy and on the other I am wealthy too because of Empower India Movements Noni Family Business. For me Indian Noni is "Health & Wealth Enhancer" and it is really God's gift. 

9. HIV 
Identity withheld / Male / 39 Years / Hyderabad

I was suffering from AIDS for the last 5 years. I was admitted repeatedly into hospitals for general weakness, weight loss and loose motions even a few months  back. I got introduced to Noni by Dr. Ravi Kulender. 

Since then I have gained weight and feeling better than before and CD4 & CD8 counts have improved. Noni has given me a new hope. 

Identity withheld / Male / Age 28 Yrs 
Kakinda, Andhra Pradesh 

I don't know when I contracted this dreadful disease. I found I was very weak with a high frequency of skin infections, loose motions and vomiting. I was also losing weight and had become depressed. Ms.Sujatha Raman is the person who introduced me to Indian Noni. 

She said that along with her counseling I should also drink Indian Noni to improve my levels of immunity. 
After 4 months of consuming Indian Noni I feel much better. I have stopped losing weight and my skin infections are showing improvements. The frequency of my loose motion had also come down. My CD4 and CD8 counts have improved too. 
It is hard to believe but true - Indian Noni has done me a great favor! 


Shanti Devi / Female / Age 83 
B-63, D.S. Quarters, Ahata Kidare, Idghia Road, Sardar Bazar, New Delhi 

I was suffering from Blood Cancer. Due to this I was not able to sleep well. Always I felt tired and I cannot see direct light. I I cannot walk. My body is swelling and I am having urinary infection also. 

My family doctor Dr.Noor Ahmed and his friend Mr.S.N Venkatesh introduced me to Indian Noni and its effects. I started consuming three times a day. After 2-3 days I slept every well. I found energy in my body and I saw direct light. I can walk well without tiredness. Day by day I am improving very well. I am taking Indian Noni for the last 10 months. 

Indian Noni saved my life and I am as active as ever. My hearty wishes to the introducers of Indian Noni. 

Pratiti Sen / Female / Age 7 years 
My daughter used to clear bowel twice a week, almost at three days interval. IT resulted in pain/bleeding and at the same time she developed fear-psychosis. 

On day my elder brother Sri Tilak Dasgupta introduced Indian Noni for her. She started consuming Indian Noni since 10.4.05. Surprisingly within a very short period of 15 - 16 days she developed normal/daily smooth bowel movement. Indian Noni is great! 

Arvind Sharma / Male / Age 37 Years 
Janki Centre, Room No 218, Kolkatta

I was suffering from Asthma for the last 10 years. Without steroids I was not able to do my normal routine work. After taking Indian Noni I could take steroids in small quantity. But after taking 1 bottle of Indian Noni I have now totally stopped steroids. 

Now I am taking only Indian Noni to keep myself fit. Indian Noni is a God's gift to be healthy. 

A.J. Agasanahalli / Male / Age 54 Years 

I am a 54 years old patient suffering with Asthma for the past 4 years. I experience severe weakness in my body. I cough a lot and all the time my mind is occupied with health problems, leading me to a lot of stress. 

My son Abdul Khader joined Empower India Movement where he learned about Indian Noni. On his suggestion I started taking Indian Noni for the past two months. Now I feel a lot better, I feel it has given me a new lease of life altogether. 
It is a life saving drink that will keep one healthy forever. 

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